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We share a world and a history in motion. Its diversity is reflected in its countries, borders, and people. Nevertheless, we identify common traits in the context of migration, reinforced in these times marked by the COVID-19 global pandemic. The pandemic has not stopped the world, situations such as Afghanistan or the earthquake in Haiti explain very clearly the close connection between the causes of injustice and forced migration.

In light of these common elements of the context, from the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network on Migration (GIAN Migration), we raise some alerts and general recommendations that we believe should guide our apostolate of forced migration in the Society of Jesus, as we are asked in the Universal Apostolic Preferences, and in the calls of Pope Francis to welcome, promote, protect and integrate migrants.

It is not only about migrants, but about the whole of humanity, therefore, our mission must be a mission for all, with a horizon of reconciliation and justice from paths of hospitality.

You can download the report here in English or Spanish.

The GIAN Migration (Global Ignatian Advocacy Network on Migration) is a global network of the Society of Jesus, dependent on the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat, which on different themes addresses activities that allow to deepen the analysis of the context, raise awareness about the reality of forced migration and launch advocacy actions that contribute to the transformation of policies and realities. The RJM represents the Conference of Provincials of Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL) in the GIAN and coordinates the action of the global network.

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