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Migration and Refuge:

A Dead End?


In the Americas there is an increase in the number of people forced to migrate, who receive a response based on restrictive policies and criminalizing narratives that push them to assume greater risks. There is a widespread violation of their human rights and they are denied due protection. During the years 2020 to 2022, academic staff from 10 universities and an observatory and 11 Jesuit organizations specialized in accompanying forced migrants, together with numerous individuals and teams from the Jesuit Network with Migrants, undertook a research process in 12 countries in the region to help us characterize the reality and define recommendations that allow to act against it at all levels. Here you will find the resulting products, you can access the Complete Research or an Executive Summary of the same. This research is a product with an academic and fieldwork base, but with the peculiarity that its conclusions and recommendations were approved collectively, unanimously, at the Continental Assembly of the RJM LAC held in Bogota, Colombia, on November 2022.


and Refuge

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Captura de Pantalla 2023-09-04 a la(s) 8.37.49 p. m..png



Captura de Pantalla 2023-09-04 a la(s) 8.37.49 p. m..png

Realities, Perspectives and Challenges for the Accompaniment of Populations in Contexts of Forced Mobility.

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